Our Mini American Shepherds
Our Miniature American Shepherds are AKC registered. We do thorough health testing on any dog we breed, including OFA evaluation of hip and elbow x-rays, annual CAER eye exams with a canine opthalmologist, and DNA testing for MDR1, HSF4, prcd-PRA, CEA, DM, HUU, CMR1, CD, CDDY, CDPA, M locus and added NAD (neuroaxonal dystrophy) now that it's out. We also evaluate structure, type and movement, since no matter what a dog will do, he or she should have sound structure. And most of all we want sound, stable temperaments so these dogs are enjoyable to live with. I select for biddable, resilient dogs with strong social attraction to people, medium drive and low arousal. My extensive background in canine behavior along with my understanding of how temperament is genetic means I truly am able to select for and prioritize temperament over all else.
Our dogs are all house dogs, we have no kennels here. I want to enjoy living with my dogs, giving them the best life possible, and getting to know them as individuals. We have acres of land fenced for them to run and play on.
Our Males
Porter was born here and was a stand out as a puppy. Since my friend and show partner Joyce loved his sire, I gave her Porter on show co-own and she picked his name. He has an AMAZING temperament. He is an AKC Miniature American Shepherd. He has since easily finished his AKC Grand Championship at 14 months of age. He's 17 3/4" and is standing at stud to approved bitches.
OFA prelim good hips, normal elbows (application #2391396), DNA clear for MDR1, HSF4, CEA, prcd-PRA, DM, HUU, CD, CMR1, CDDY, CDPA and NAD. Red factored, scissors bite and full dentition
Scout is a handsome, easy going boy. He's 14.5" and is a stocky 22 lbs. He's another dog I bought to bring down size in my program. He is registered AKC Mini American and ASDR mini Aussie.
OFA prelim good hips, normal elbows (application #2460446), eyes MAS-EYE1943/20M-VPI, DNA clear for MDR1, HSF4, CEA, prcd-PRA, DM, HUU, CD, CMR1, CDDY, CDPA. Clear for neuroaxonal dystrophy (NAD). M locus M273/m, scissors bite and full dentition, non red factored, DD, Ee and SS.
Cowboy Company Promise Land
Deacon is a sweet, highly people social boy, the true "doesn't know a stranger" type. He's always a favorite of people who meet my dogs. He is good with the other dogs too, and has medium drive and a great off button. He loves to swim and fetch from water as well. He's 15.5" and 24 lbs.
Hips are OFA good MAS-5439G29M-P-VPI
Elbows are OFA normal MAS-EL3366M29M-P-VPI
Eyes are CAER normal MAS-EYE1641/33M-VPI
DNA clear for HSF4, prcd-PRA, CEA, HUU, DM, CMR1, CD, CDDY, CDPA, and NAD clear tested by Purdue University. He has one copy MDR1. He is non red factored BB, DD, SS.
Our Girls
Fiona comes from our good friend Ronna and is such a joy to live with. She's biddable and so good with people and dogs. I love her bone and substance. I think she'll end up 15.5".
OFA prelim good hips, normal elbows (application #2460449), eyes normal MAS-EYE1946/18F-VPI, DNA clear for HSF4, CEA, prcd-PRA, DM, HUU, CMR1, CD, CDDY, CDPA, one copy MDR1, M locus m/m, scissors bite, full dentition. Clear for neuroaxonal dystrophy (NAD). Non red factored, Dd, EE and SS
Mattie is another of my bred by girls, from Ballad and Sierra. She's a lovely, typey girl that is a great blend of spunk and sweetness. She's got great bone and nice side gait, and should mature to around 16". She loves to play in water.
OFA prelim hips and elbows too young, eyes normal MAS-EYE1947/17F-VPI, DNA clear for MDR1, HSF4, prcd-PRA, CEA, HUU, DM, CMR1, CD, CDDY, CDPA. Scissors bite and full dentition, red factored. She is also DD, EE and SS. Clear for neuroaxonal dystrophy (NAD).
Alyeska was born here and caught my eye early on. She's super sweet and social, especially loves kids. She's also my husband's buddy, loves to sit on his lap. She's 14.5" and 15 lbs.
OFA prelim good hips, normal elbows Application #2460448, CAER normal eyes MAS-EYE1945/19F-VPI, DNA clear for MDR1, HSF4, prcd-PRA, CEA, HUU, DM, CMR1, CD, CDDY, CDPA and NAD clear tested through Purdue. Bb, DD, Ee, m/m and S/S. Scissors bite, missing a premolar.
Liberty jointed us last summer and she's been a fun dog to have. She's very people friendly, and a more active, silly dog but she's also biddable which I like. She's 15" and about 23 lbs.
OFA prelim good hips, normal elbows (application #2460452), eyes normal MAS-EYE1948/14F-VPI, DNA clear for HSF4, CEA, prcd-PRA, DM, HUU, CMR1, CD, CDDY, CDPA, MDR1, M locus m/m, scissors bite, full dentition. Clear for neuroaxonal dystrophy (NAD). For color traits she's DD, EM/e and SS
Journey was sired by our GCH boy Porter, and was born in Ontario. She joined our family in 2023 and has been a fun girl to have. She's a sensitive pup but very sweet. She's currently 14.5" and about 22 lbs.
CAER eyes clear MAS-EYES2288/10F-VPI. DNA clear for MDR1, HSF4, CEA, prcd-PRA, DM, HUU, CD, CMR1, CDDY, CDPA and NAD. She is m/m on the M locus and is DD, EE and SS. Red factored, scissors bite and full dentition.
Trinity born here to Connor and Lyra. Though she went oversize, her type, structure, movement and temperament were way too nice to let her go as a pet. She's a full sister to Porter. She's too smart her for her own good, amazing determination and problem solving skills, has the "doesn't know a stranger" temperament I so love.
In 2024 Trinity has joined her brother living with a friend.
OFA prelim good hips application #2253014, normal elbows, eyes normal MAS-EYE1256/13F-VPI, DNA clear for MDR1, HSF4, prcd-PRA, CEA, HUU, DM, CMR1, CD, CDDY, CDPA. Clear for neuroaxonal dystrophy (NAD). Scissors bite and full dentition, red factored.
Sierra (black tri) and her half sister Lyra are the foundation of Faithwalk minis. They are both amazing dogs, the "don't know a stranger" types who are a joy to live with. Both are retired and spayed now but left their legacy for us. They both are living the life with friends and are well loved by all who meet them. Both are OFA good for hips, normal for elbows, CAER eyes clear, DNA clear for MDR1, HSF4, prcd-PRA, CEA, DM, HUU, CMR1, CD, CDDY, CDPA. Sierra is 17 1/4" and Lyra is 16 1/2".
"Mercy triumphs over judgement!"
James 2:13
Email us at Paws4HisGlory@aol.com
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